Hemp Industry Isn’t Raising Expectations With New FDA Chief

In March 2020, FDA Associate Emily Leongini was quoted in Hemp Industry Daily regarding statements made by the Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Stephen Hahn regarding CBD.

Emily said “[t]hey’re pretty consistent with the agency’s position thus far. I think the agency understands that there is a huge consumer demand for the product.”

Emily added “[i]t does not signal a different approach or signal the fact that FDA has moved (CBD) up on a few priority lists or anything like that. Businesses are dealing with the wait in a variety of ways. Some are taking the plunge and moving forward with marketing ingestible CBD while implementing strategies to minimize risk. Others are laying the groundwork by negotiating supply and distribution agreements so they’re ready when the FDA acts. Then I think there are other companies that have just decided to say, ‘No thanks, we are not going to touch this right now.’”

To read the article, click here.


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