Byron Dorgan Discusses Tax Reform in The New York Times

Arent Fox senior policy advisor and former US Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) was quoted in the The New York Times article, “Tax Reform, Reagan Style, May Be a Tougher fit for Trump.”

The article discusses tax reform, Congress’ next legislative hurdle. To put the issue into context, the last time major tax reform passed in America was in 1986 under President Ronald Reagan when it also had bipartisan support. Dorgan, then a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, played a role in advancing and ultimately approving the popular reform. He said, “It was widely celebrated as a major success. We eliminated many deductions and special deals in the tax code, used the savings to substantially lower the top tax rate to 28 percent, and also simplified the tax code.” The article continues the discourse on how a plan similar to Reagan’s would likely not work under the Trump Administration. To read the article in full, click here


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